Saturday, April 3, 2010

So Much in So Little Time...

There is so much going on in and around my little life, I can barely keep track of it all. I should be doing independent posts on all these various subjects, but I just don't have the time! Maybe I'll get around to it in a week or two...

First, the play was an amazing success! I'm still getting feedback from people who came to see us, and so far, it seems to be a unanimous "Two Thumbs Up!". I must brag, I think we were pretty awesome. We worked very hard and put on a fantastic production. Of course, none of would have happened without the direction of our fabulous directors, and the various others who supported us on and off stage. I think I will try to do a whole post on this, just not sure when...

Next, not many people know, but I was very sick throughout the last two weeks of the play, including the performances. My allergies and asthma have been worse than I've ever dealt with since we moved home. Chann finally convinced to go back to my doctor in Jackson. I'm so very glad I did! On Thursday, I found out my windpipe had closed off to about 60%, which is not good. After a breathing treatment, and several hundred dollars worth of meds, I think I'm finally on the mend. There is still the topic of a possible sinus surgery this summer, but we will address that later. I'm just so happy to be breathing again!

Now, we are finally preparing to move out of Daddy's house! Yay!!!!!! After many, many months of living together,( I must say it has gone very well) we will be living in a place of our own. Guess where? His front yard... Haha! Channing and I recently purchased a new mobile home to live in for a little while until we are ready to build a place of our own. Daddy gave me/us my inheritance early, so our ultimate plan is to build out here by him. I told everyone that when we moved back that I wasn't ever leaving again. I don't think anyone thought I meant it this literally. However, we, and Daddy, are thrilled. He can see us and the girls whenever he wants to, and we have the convenience of country life and close family. It's all we've ever wanted. Final preparations are being made as I type this, and hopefully we'll start the process of moving tonight.

Finally, I have a big week coming up! On Wednesday, Mama and I are flying to NYC! I'm so excited that I can hardly contain myself! Mama has to go for a work conference, but she is taking me along and we're going to stay a few more days and have our first ever Mother/Daughter trip! We went to NYC once before, 10 years ago actually. I was in the 9th grade and singing with the chorus at Pillow.  It was a great trip, but everything was so structured, and we've always talked about what we would do differently if we got to go back. Well, we're finally getting to do it our way. This is also my official celebration of my 25th birthday. I wanted to do something big because I'm not really thrilled about leaving my early 20s. I've really enjoyed them, and I guess like a majority of people, I don't really want to address the issue of aging.

I could absolutely do an entire post on each one of these topics. But I may have to only choose two of them. I'll be back next Sunday, and I'm sure I'll have lots to share about our trip. Have a wonderful and blessed Easter!

Much Love!

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