Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bringing it Back

So I've decided to resurrect the blog... after almost three years... That is a very long absence, I know. But, if you know us, and I assume that you do if you're reading this, then you know we've been through a lot this year. You know that it hasn't really been the easiest year for us. There have been countless lessons learned. In the midst of all of it, I've really needed an outlet to organize my thoughts. I've had friends and family to lean on and talk with, but I just have this feeling that I just need a place where some of this is recorded so I can look at it later. I have several posts swirling around in my head right now. I'm really looking forward to finally getting all of it down. Some days it may be simple, random thoughts; some days it may be long and deep. Who knows! So join me as I ramble on, it could be entertaining!

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