Hannah Grace could be here at any time!
I'm was so excited I didn't know what to do! Then, I got home and realized what all I had left to do, and went into panic mode. I think the whole "nesting" theory is just a nice way of saying soon-to-be mamas panic when they realize how close things are. I accomplished alot, but today I don't feel so hot because of all the work I did last night.
But, the details... I've already dilated to 2cm. I really felt like things had started because I knew throughout the day Sunday that she had changed positions. I was right. She's dropped down to where she's supposed to be. So, once again, we wait. I could go into active labor today, or two weeks from now. I'm just glad to know that things are progressing. I honestly do feel like it will be sooner rather than later, just because the contractions are pretty constant. Even Emma seems to think her arrival is very close, because the first thing she said to me this morning was "Mama, I think Hannah's coming. She wants to see her bed." (Emma helped me put together the Pack N Play last night that Hannah will stay in for a little while.) I couldn't do anything but laugh at her and tell her that she just might be right.
So for now, I'm just hanging out, doing as much around here as I feel like I can to get everything in order. I really hope that I don't end up being one of those people who thinks she's in labor and then gets sent home though. From what I've been told though, you just know. I'll try to keep things updated as much as possible from this point on.
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