Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I believe that this is the first time in my life that I've ever enjoyed/been excited about Halloween. Here's why...

 This is the first year she's dressed up and gone trick or treating.  Needless to say, she's loved every bit of it.  Family, let me know if you want me to email these to you.  

Oh, and on the first picture, please notice the purple shoes that don't match... She wouldn't have it any other way!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm bored... I'm trying to act like I'm not though... 

Game 1 of the World Series just came on. If you know Channing, you know that he has an unhealthy obsession with all things baseball. He's trying to pass it on to the rest of the family.  I indulge him most of the time. It's fun to cheer for the team he's not, and to ask all kinds of pointless questions throughout the game. As it stands, I'm the Red Sox fan around here, and he's die hard Yankees. It has been a very interesting season. First, a major win in my column when the Yanks didn't even make the post season. First time in 13 years. (this fact according to my husband) Because of this, the duration of Division playoffs was spent with Channing taunting me and the Sox, and him cheering for the Rays.  They won, but not after an impressive comeback attempt by the Sox. I think I watch too much baseball....

So for now, and possible the next week, we'll be watching the World Series. Channing is cheering for the Rays, and I'm still on the fence. I'll probably lean that way too, but I'm afraid it would give him too much satisfaction. Let's keep that between us, ok?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Ever since we first started discussing a move to the North, my one, constant fear has been of the winter.  Well, the fall is not much fun here either.... Guess what the high temp for today was.... 54! 54 degrees, with a wind that was brutal! We have our first freeze warning in effect for tonight. Those of you that know me are very familiar with my hatred of cold weather. This place is not helping! Even Emma isn't very fond of it at the moment. But, Channing loves it. I don't understand why... 

In other news, my neighbors, and Emma's best friend, are leaving us at the end of the week and migrating South for the winter. They won't be back until May. I almost asked if they would take me with them, but I have to have a baby around that time. Emma is going to be devastated when she realizes that her best buddy isn't around.  

That's all for now. I hope y'all are enjoying your weather. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Know, I Know...

It's been a long time...

We've been home for a week now, and I have to admit, while we were home, I got used to not checking a computer for days at a time. I've let that new habit take over this week.

Our trip was wonderful! It was so good to see everyone and not feel rushed about getting home; but, three weeks is a long time to be away. It might not have been so long if Channing had been with us, so we'll test that theory out in December. We'll be there for three weeks, but this time we'll all be together. Emma is still not adjusted to the time change again, but she's getting there.
Channing doesn't have to travel anymore for a while, so that will her help her get back in a groove.

The next thing we have coming up is a trip to Louisville, KY for the N.A.I.L.E, aka the North American International Livestock Exposition. (I prefer NAILE) This is one of the largest livestock shows, rodeo, and trade shows in the world. I've been once before, when I was younger and had the opportunity to show there. It is still one of my favorite memories. The Who's Who of the livestock world will be there. I'm particularly excited about the opportunity to meet some of the top sheep breeders in the nation. Lucky for me, I have some really good connections. I'm very excited about Channing getting to see this. He's heard all our stories from our first trip, so now he'll get to see it with me, from a spectators perspective. We'll be doing this the second weekend in November. We'll be meeting up with Mama and Chad, and one of my favorite showman!

A little bit of a baby update...
We had our check up this past Wednesday. The doctor pushed my due date back to May 10. She said she had expected this because of the low hormone levels in the beginning. We heard a heartbeat for the first time. Emma was super excited about that. Overall, things look good. I've already gained a little bit of weight. That's always a plus with me!

One last thing before I go...
I've been trying to customize my blog with layouts from a different site. If you know me, you probably know this is beyond my cp skills. If anyone has any suggestions or tips, I would appreciate it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


In case you're new to our blog and want to do some catching up, the old blog will be up for a little while longer...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome to Our New Blog!

I hope I haven't confused everyone with the move. So many of the blogs I read every day are on blogspot, so I decided to switch over. I haven't done everything I want to it yet, but I'm sure it's gonna take me a while to figure everything out.

As for now, Emma and I are still in Mississippi. We've been at the Mimi's house this week, where preparations for the State Fair are in full swing. We move the lambs to the fairgrounds on Friday and show Saturday afternoon. The Fair was the original reason for our trip, but Channing's trip to Mexico got us here early. Speaking of Channing, he's currently on his way to Michigan to spend several days there, so the timing for this trip home was perfect.

Our trip so far has been wonderful! We spent our first week in Greenwood at the Papa's house. While we were there, we took in some high school football, and I must say, I think I see some cheer leading in my future! I wish I had pictures! Emma loved every bit of the game. She clapped, yelled, danced, cheered, and entertained the entire section we were sitting in. On top of all that, it was a very exciting game, won at the buzzer by Pillow with an amazing field goal. I hated to see the night end, especially since this is the last game we'll get to see this year. Our trip is now half over. We'll be leaving next Friday, but there is still lots for us to do!

A bit of a pregnancy update: Since the doctor's visit, I've already gained six pounds! This is a big change from last time, since I only lost weight the first three months. I haven't been as sick this time, but it's not been easy either. I have to eat every couple of hours to keep from being sick, which probably explains the weight gain. I'll go back to the doctor a few days after we get home. Other than that, I guess things are pretty normal!