So this list of random things keeps making its rounds on
Facebook. I have yet to make one,
even though I've been tagged to do so many times. I figured I might as well, since I'm out of things to talk about at the moment. I'm supposed to tell you 25 random things about myself. I honestly don't know if this is possible, but I will try...
1. Michelle is no longer my legal name. My SS card says Ellen Montgomery Hodges. When I changed my name, I didn't know I needed a court order to remove my first name and use my middle name instead. So, that's on my life's to do list. Not that I dislike Ellen, it's just that no one knows that name, and I couldn't stand to let the Montgomery go.
2. I really really really don't like to be cold. Ironic huh, since I now live in a land of snow. My mama makes me travel with a jacket or blanket at all times of the year, because she has this slight tendency to freeze me with air conditioners in her house and car.
3. I hate the cold, but I love winter clothes... I still haven't figured this one out yet... I guess because I do not tan well, and winter clothes only show your face. I love jackets, sweaters, scarves, knee boots, and of course, my jeans. I could, and sometimes do, wear jeans every day. I even like turtlenecks. I have a long, thin neck, and I feel like turtlenecks don't draw attention to it. I'm weird, I know.
4. I got married barefoot. I was so paranoid about being taller than Channing in the pictures of the ceremony, I refused to wear shoes. Why no one suggested slippers, I'm not sure. Maybe they did, I don't remember. What I do remember, is my great grandmother, sitting next to my Mama, saying loudly, "Mikki! She doesn't have her shoes on!" Priceless...
5. Speaking of being married... Channing and I have been married 3 1/2 years, and I already have a new wedding ring. My wonderful, adorable, precious child flushed my first set DOWN THE TOILET two days before we made the trip home for Christmas. She told her Daddy she did it because Mommy put her in timeout. My three year old understands revenge...
6. I got to sing for my best friend Emily and her husband Matt's first dance. "At Last", Etta James. What Emily doesn't know, is that in the car, on the way to the reception, I had a major panic attack and forgot the words. I don't get much stage fright, but I did that night, because I knew everyone there, and this was kind of a big deal for her. Luckily, it went off without a hitch, and it is now one of my favorite memories!
7. My job in college was hosting karaoke at a bar in Starkville. Fun job, but lots of trouble...
8. I got my belly button pierced when I was 18. It was the most rebellious thing I could come up with at the time. I think it worked; Daddy wanted to strangle me...
9. I took that same piercing out two years later. I'm so glad I didn't go the tattoo route...
10. I love big dogs. When I say big, I mean the ones that weigh more than me. Little ones just ask to get stepped on...
11. I'm a ridiculously fast reader. It's too bad I can't apply that talent to anything practical...
12. I have the taste buds of a 3 year old when it comes to cereal. I still love my Captain Crunch! I'm trying to be more sensible though, for the sake of my unborn child; I've graduated to Honey Nut Cheerios now.
13. I crave sweet tea everyday. I took it for granted before. In Mississippi, everyone has it. In Ohio, only McDonald's has it... sad...
14. I love the show Kitchen Nightmares. I have no idea why, because it would make any other person sick to see what this guy finds, and then make you terrified to eat out again. I can't help it though, I've even got Channing hooked now.
15. One of my favorite pleasures is a pedicure. I could go for one weekly. But, I hate manicures. One bad experience several years ago, and I'll never let someone do my fingernails again.
16. I'm not a baker, but I do like to make cupcakes from a box, and then make fun colored icing. My child, and my husband enjoy them, so why not?
17. Most strangers think my mama is my sister, and that Emma is her child. I really look forward to the day those genes kick in for me...
18. My favorite fruit flavor is watermelon, but I can't stand a real watermelon. I think it's the texture.
19. I'm the fourth of five living generations on two different sides. I think that's pretty cool...
20. I adore my brother, even though I have scars that are his fault. He would argue against that though. He's is the funniest person I know; and Emma thinks so too.
21. I've had lots of animals over the course of my life. Not one of them has ever had the same name. I just refuse. Some have argued it didn't matter if the name was used for a different species. It matters to me.
22. I'm really running out of ideas here...
23. I still know all the songs from the old Disney movies. Emma thinks it's hilarious when I sing along with them.
24. I do not have one favorite color. I go through cycles. Right now, I'm on green. Pink will probably be next when Hannah gets here, and blue always runs a close second.
25. This thing took the better part of the afternoon to do. I kept having to leave and come back to it cuz I kept running out of ideas. I really hope you find some of it slightly amusing, otherwise, this was pointless...